Tuesday, January 22, 2013

PTU "goodnight moon" featuring "tooth fairy time by gimptastic tuts

This tutorial was written on January 22, 2013 by Shani aka Wicked Princess. The concept of this tag is mine , and mine alone. Any resemblance to any other tag/tut is pure coincidence. This was written for those with working knowledge of paint shop pro.

Supplies Needed:

++Paint Shop Pro (I use version 11, but any will work)
++Tube of choice, I used the work of Suzanne Wolcott, note that the house and tree are by her as well!
++kit of choice. I used a kit by Gimptastic scraps called “tooth fairy time” You can find her blog HERE and go to any of her stores to purchase the kit!

++Font of choice I used “swagger”

Here we go! I’m a little rusty at tuts…so forgive me lol

Open a new canvas of 800x800, transparent. Remember you can resize later. Then go to image, resize and size it down to 80%. Weird I know..but that’s how I did it.
Pick your choice of frames, I used the double window frame. Copy and paste as a new layer. Adjust as needed.
Next you will want to pick paper 2 and copy and paste as a new layer. Size it down to what you like, then use your pick tool to angel it to the left. Duplicate and then go to image>mirror then Image>flip. You may need to adjust a little!
Now open two papers of your choosing. I used two different ones to give it a different feel. Using your magic wand tool, click in the left side of the frame. Go to selections, modify, expand and expand by 10. Add a new raster layer and flood fill with the paper of your choosing. Repeat this for the opposite side.
Then I opened the two swirls, one the light blue one and then the stars. So copy and paste the swirl as a new layer. Center it as you like. Add the stars swirl, duplicate it then go to image, flip then image mirror. Adjust as needed.
Open the doors with the stars. Add it to the left side, note I added the house and the tree;s. If you don’t  have those you can add another tube or more elemetns. Resize the door to what you like, then copy and paste as a new layer. Angle it to the left a bit, then duplicate it, mirror then bring it over so it overlaps the other one a bit.
Now open the bed, resize it then copy and paste as a new layer at the bottom of the doors. Angle it a bit then add the pillow to the end of it.
Next you will want to open the yellow lanters. Copy and paste as a new layer and resize. Move them up to the top of the frame and adjust as needed.
Then add the shoestring bow over the top of that. Add the half moon to the left of the frames.
Open the winged clock, then copy and paste as a new layer. Center it to the top of the frame.
Add the tube of your choice to the right frame.
Cluster the floss , tooth paste and tooth brush to the right of the tube.
On the other side, cluster the hearts, rose, butterfly and tooth to how you like it.
Add the text you choose, I just happened to make something up and add it!
Don’t forget your copyrights and watermarks! Note that I put the info ON the tube..this helps so that people don’t illegally rip the tube.
I hope you enjoyed the tut! 

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