Sunday, September 14, 2014

PTU TUT! "Football Fan"

This tutorial was written on September 14, 2014 by Shani aka Wicked Princess. The concept of this tag is mine and mine alone. Any resemblance to any other tag/tut is pure coincidence. This was written for those with working knowledge of paint shop pro.

Supplies Needed:

++Paint Shop Pro (I use version 10 but any will work)

++Tube of choice, I used the work of Freya Langford-Sidebottom and you can purchase it HERE

++kit of choice. I used a kit by Gimptastic scraps called Football Fan and you can find her blog HERE and go to any of her stores to purchase the kit!

++Font of choice I used “Yummy Cupcakes”

Here we go! I’m a little rusty at tuts…so forgive me lol

Open up a new canvas of 600x600 and transparent background. Remember you can always resize it later.

Pick your choice of frame. I used Frame 5. Copy and paste it as a new layer. Resize it as you like. I made it a bit smaller by using the pick tool. Place your cursor to one of the corners so that it turns into a cross with arrows on it. Click it and drag inward. Once you’ve done that, go to EDIT>CUT> then to EDIT>PAST AS NEW LAYER. This centers it in the middle of the canvas.

Next, pick out which ever mask looking element you like. I used dots. Open the element, then copy and paste it to your canvas. Move it to below the frame and towards the edge on the top. Duplicate it and go to IMAGE>MIRROR then IMAGE>FLIP. Adjust it if you need to. At this point you should merge these two layers down. Right click on the top one, then click on MERGE DOWN. This will make the masks just one element.

Next open the bracket element. Resize it as you like, then copy and paste it as a new layer. Move it to the right upper hand corner of your frame. Make sure it’s moved down to below the frame layer. I angled mine a bit, so it peeks out. Right click then click on duplicate. Go to IMAGE>MIRROR> then IMAGE>FLIP.

Now, open the paper you like. I used paper 7. Use your crop tool, and crop out a smallish rectangle. Go to EDIT>COPY then EDIT>PASTE AS NEW LAYER. Move it to the right and then below the bracket layer then angle it as you like it. Duplicate it and then flip it to the to the other side. Then use your eraser tool to erase the parts of the paper you don’t want seen outside the bracket.

We’re going to jump really quick to adding a background to the frame and then the tube. I know, I know, I’m all over lol. So pick out a paper or another background that you like. I used the player background. Copy and paste it as a new layer, then move it to below the frame. Use the magic wand  tool and click inside your frame. Then go to SELECTIONS>MODIFY>EXPAND by five. Then click on the background and go to SELECTIONS>INVERT. Then hit the delete key. Go to SELECTIONS>SELECT NONE.

Next open an arrow or cheveron. I used the chevron tool. Open it up then go to EDIT>COPY then EDIT>PASTE AS NEW LAYER. Move it to the left and adjust as you like.
Open your tube, copy and paste the tube on to your canvas. Move it up above the frame. Resize and adjust as you like. I moved it to the right some.

Open the ticket stub. Copy and paste it into your canvas. Move it to just below the frame. I moved it to the right at about the center of the bracket. Angle it as you like.

Now open the flag. Resize it, then copy and paste it into your canvas. Move it to the right of the frame, below the tube.

Open the football fan sign. Resize it then copy and paste as a new layer. Move it towards the end of the frame, above the tube layer.

Then open the following elements, the t.v., the soda bottle, and keychain. Cluster them as you like to the right side of the frame and center.

Next, open the score board, copy and paste it into your canvas. Move it below the frame layer and resize with your pick tool and adjust as needed.

Open the receivers sign. Rotate it to the left, then copy and paste as a new layer to your canvas. Move it to the right of the frame, above the tube layer. Adjust as needed.

Then open the football and the hat, and copy and paste them to your canvas. Move to the bottom left and cluster as you like. Duplicate the football then move it to the upper right hand corner, below the tube layer.

Open the heart and the whistle. Resize as needed, copy and paste as a new layer. Move it to the upper left hand corner of the frame and cluster as you like.

now open the hands, copy and paste as a new layer. Move to the left of the frame, at the corner of the bracket. Duplicate it then move the other one to the other bracket

Next, open the tape element. Copy and paste it as a new layer. Move it to the upper left hand corner of the frame, and move it to below the frame and background. Duplicate it and then move it to the bottom right corner, opposite side.

Finally, add your credits, license numbers and whatever else you like. Always save a copy as a PSD or a PSP image! I suggest saving the other one as a PNG so that the background is transparent.

Thank you for checking out my tutorial! Have fun and I would love to see anything you make from this tutorial! Email me at

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